
Since 1987 Spanish brand alondra has designed and manufactured some of the most beautiful and exclusive designs of baby furniture for wealthy families in selective countries across the globe.

Now available in Australia the company has recently introduced some of its more luxurious models with particular emphasis in the ‘kurve’ range through its local distributor Cute Co.

“Australia is home to some of the richest families in the world and the country and is recognised by Credit Suisse Research Institute to have one of the highest per capita wealth in the world,” says Patricia Rojas, Cute Co director.

“This represents a great market for luxury products and services. We are very proud to introduce the alondra brand into the market.”

The kurve baby cot set is an ideal option for minimalist homes. Its clean lines and smart combination of colours and materials make this cot set stand out from the crowd.

The kurve range consists of a baby cot that converts into a toddler bed and a kids desk plus a beautiful chest of drawers made with MDF, natural oak and four metallic chromed legs. It is made in Spain.

The baby cot set retails at close to $5,000, however, the price tag has not been any deterrent to families who are already enjoying from one of the most exclusive designs of baby furniture in Australia. Five cots only were sold before the product arrived in Australia proving that the product was already expected by Australian parents.

“The kurve baby cot set has been very popular amongst celebrities, corporate business owners and famous football players of the elite European clubs…” adds Veronica Oliver, Alondra’s export area manager.

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