J Style’s Japanese mugs aren’t perfect and that makes them the best-selling mugs you will ever stock.
Generously large mugs, handmade in Japan and available now in 15 different classic Japanese designs, there is a mug for everyone.
What makes these imperfect mugs so perfect? To start with they are a generous 450ml capacity. That is a serious size mug, well worth boiling the kettle for a really good cuppa. And yet they don’t look like a big chunky mug. They have a thin lip, with a delicate wavy edge that has a lovely mouth feel when you drink. The clay is light and the handles are comfortable to hold. These are things that are essential in a good mug.
The traditional Japanese stencil designs are applied by hand and details are painted with a brush by wonderful artisans who have been doing this job for decades.
That is how they end up so perfectly imperfect. The factories that J Style works with are small family-owned operations. Everyone is getting older and their hands are getting shakier. They carry on because they love their community, their work and their beautiful mugs. Mugs made by people, to be used by people who appreciate what goes into the perfect mug.
The feeling that is imbued in these mugs is apparent to anyone who holds one. The painted lines are sometimes a little wobbly, the patterns may be a little patchy, but the feel of a genuine handmade mug brings a warmth beyond the heat of your tea or coffee.