Retailers have the opportunity to get one on one advice from top stylist Megan Morton thanks to Life Instyle’s shop coach program at the Sydney February event.
The program costs $440 and includes a pre-event phone or Skype session and a one-on-one session during the trade show to walk around with Megan to look at products and what might improve your store.
“My first creative services venture was in visual merchandising and windows, and I really do believe that like a page in a magazine, the window and its message and treatment are the major trigger to a sale,” Morton says.
“I am approached by lots of businesses to do things outside the teachings at my masterclass and styling school, The School, but this one felt right to me.”
Morton says the initiative will provide retailers with detailed advice focused on their particular stores.
“We are making it specific to their stores, their regions and their customers. Generalist advice doesn’t bode well in this marketplace. [It’s] a never to be repeated opportunity to learn about the secret techniques to better sales and customer relationships.”
Morton will also be on the judging panel for the Gift and Life Instyle Awards, which will be held during the Sydney Gift Fairs.