The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) has a new ombudsman after appointing Bruce Billson to the role.
He will start his new position on 11 March 2021, replacing outgoing ombudsman Kate Carnell, who welcomes the appointment.
“Having played an integral role in the establishment of the Ombudsman’s office, Mr Billson is well positioned to carry the torch,” she says.
“He is highly regarded by the small business community and I am confident he will be an effective advocate for the sector.”
Billson says all his efforts will go towards putting the wind in the sails of small business and helping to energise enterprise to Australia’s benefit.
““The pandemic has been punishing for many of our small and family businesses, which will need a supportive environment to help lead the nation into recovery.
“Most importantly, I’ll be focused on ensuring the small business community has the support and confidence they need to survive and thrive well beyond the Covid crisis.”
The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is looking forward to working with the new ombudsman, saying he brings a wealth of experience within small business which will make him a powerful advocate for the industry.
“Small businesses are the engine room of Australia’s economy and our retail sector,” says ARA CEO Paul Zahra.
“The pandemic has increased pressure on many smaller operators and now, more than ever, they need a strong voice to ensure they’re well placed to thrive in the Covid recovery.
“As a former Small Business Minister, Mr Billson comes to the role with a great understanding of the needs within this space. We look forward to working with him on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry and ensuring small businesses have the support they need to grow and prosper.”