
Axis Toys has a wonderful range of craft activities to enjoy during the upcoming school holidays. Perfect for solo and group projects at home and away.

The Leolandia cardboard craft range includes a great range of planes and cars as well as a large train, Eiffel Tower and some miniature projects―from the simple to the complex in white and natural card that are complete when made or can have further finishing touches added by the child. Recommended retail prices range from $10 to $40 with most items under $30.

From Sassi Junior, there are some great 3D models―for the younger kids there’s Noah’s Ark and the Farm Barn and for the older kids there are two books focusing on the history of Aviation and Locomotion―each with their own 3D model to make. All around RRP$30.

The Sassi Junior range also includes an extensive range of puzzles with books and books with puzzles as well as memory matching games. Most of the range RRPs between $20 and $30.

In the Miniland and Cayro ranges, which are Spanish-designed, there is a great range of doodle boards, reversible boards, reward charts, magnetic letters in cardboard and plastic and loads more early learning games to keep those young minds buzzing!

Axis Toys also has many craft specials available which include dioramas and games―up to 50per cent off!

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