There is some relief for retailers on the horizon as the ACCC has extended the ability to bargain with landlords on leases until September 2021.
The decision comes after separate applications from the ARA and NRA for their members to share information and collectively bargain with landlords on rent relief measures.
NRA CEO Dominique Lamb welcomes the ruling, especially after Victoria has gone into its second lockdown with many retailers closing their doors for up to six weeks.
“Retailers across Australia have been hit hard by the Covid-19 wrecking ball,” she says.
“Many businesses have struggled and the situation in Victoria demonstrates that both the health and economic struggle is far from over.”
The ACCC authorisation grants NRA and ARA members the ability to share information with each other and to collectively bargain with respect to their leases until 1 September 2021.
Improving the quality of information accessible to both landlords and tenants will result in more productive negotiations and ultimately more effective outcomes for the respective parties.
“NRA members, particularly in Victoria, are in desperate need of help following the introduction of Stage 4 restrictions, while retailers across the rest of the country are nervous about a second-wave knocking over their business.
“The bottom-line is that retailers will continue to need assistance for the foreseeable future and we welcome the ACCC granting these rent relief measures until September 2021.”