New AGHA CEO, Linda Hickey, is ready to take the association to the next level and support its members in the best way possible.
While AGHA has had great successes, Hickey wants to do more and deliver more for its members and the wider retail community.

“My first month with AGHA has been exciting and informative as I learn about AGHA’s operations, people, members and stakeholders,” she enthuses.
“I am humbled by the AGHA team whose passion and drive has been reignited by the success at the recent 2022 Melbourne Gift Fair and 2023 Sydney Gift Fair―both extraordinarily successful events as the exhibition industry springs-forth out of Covid.

“My observation from the recent Sydney Gift Fair was a distinct buzz in the air with both exhibitors and guests relishing the opportunity to meet and trade in person.
“The exhibition industry as a whole is recognising that fair delegates are making more discretionary decisions and this was evident with the high quality of guests attending our fair matched with strong trading days.”

The AGHA was created to advance the interest of members and to create the optimum commercial environment for wholesalers, retailers and other stakeholders in the Australian gift and homewares industry, she adds.
The AGHA will be introducing new initiatives to assist members and the industry to continue to flourish and deliver member benefits and exhibition opportunities to benefit all.

“As the industry authority we are extremely well-positioned to continue to provide the best value and highest quality fairs for our members and retail partners.”