Easter is just around the corner and as Australians are being asked to stay at home, this could present quite a challenge for families with kids.
While there is still time, Australian Made Campaign (AMCL) is encouraging parents to go online to purchase genuine Australian Made toys, games and crafts to entertain their kids.
“Keeping kids entertained is challenging at the best of times,” says Australian Made campaign chief executive, Ben Lazzaro.
“That job just got harder this Easter, with Australians facing unprecedented challenges of self-isolation and social distancing. The good news is that parents can meet this challenge, while supporting our local manufacturers.”
Many businesses are quickly adapting to a retail environment that has been turned on its head in recent months, manufacturing new products and making them available to purchase online.
Buttonworks Australia creates a range of toys, puzzles, gifts and jewellery on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria from sustainably harvested Australian timbers.
“With the drop in tourism and therefore most of our income, we are quickly trying to adapt and create new products which can help people, particularly with being at home and not being able to see loved ones,” says operations manager, Liza Murray-Clarkson.
“We are always releasing new products to help keep kids busy and entertained at home.”
She adds that buying Australian Made is about supporting a greater network of people. “Our family, our employees, our local timber and packaging suppliers, our posties, our communities and our environment. We’re all just a piece in this puzzle.”
Indeed, now more than ever Aussie businesses need all the support they can get says Lazzaro. “When you buy Australian Made products you are pumping money back into the economy, which helps to keep Aussie jobs, strengthen local industries and supports local communities.”